19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA


At Grupo Mirgor, we understand that sustainability is transversal to all our businesses and cannot be understood if it is not understood globally, addressing both the environmental, social and governance impact. The Company’s Sustainability area, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, has the mission of coordinating the necessary actions to meet its goals.
Guided by environmental care, we produce in a responsible manner, seeking innovative solutions to prevent and mitigate the impacts that our activity may generate, and incorporating to our value chain.
Corporate governance

We work to promote, in all areas of the Group, the commitment to corporate ethics and transparency, extending it to our value chain.

We work for the integral development of people, both of our employees and of the communities where we are present through the Mirgor Foundation – Community development towards the future.

Sustainability reports

In line with our commitment to transparency, we produce annual reports where we account for the Group’s economic, social and environmental impacts.