19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Excellence Policy

We are a company in constant evolution with a strong commitment to the generation of added value, and to building bonds of trust and long-term relationships with the communities where we are present, our employees, customers, suppliers and shareholders.
Operational Excellence is the basis on which we develop our business. This allows us, on the one hand, to systematically ensure the safety and health of people, eliminating hazards and reducing risks. It also allows us to focus on environmental care and pollution prevention, the quality of our processes, products and services, and the reliability of our operational assets.

In this regard, our Policy is based on the following principles:

Ethics, Integrity and Regulatory Compliance
Clients, Community and Employees
Management and Sustainability System
Ethics, Integrity and Regulatory Compliance
All our actions are governed by two core values: ethics and integrity. Consequently, we commit each of our stakeholders to act along these lines.
Likewise, at Mirgor we have a Code of Ethics and Conduct. It functions as a constitutional element and is the foundation on which our past, present and future are based and future.
We are absolutely committed to complying with the legal requirements in force, the applicable internal regulations and the requirements of our customers.
Clients, Community and Employees
Our priority is to satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers, employees, employees, shareholders and the communities where we operate and we are present.
We set clear, challenging and measurable objectives aligned with the business strategy.
We promote active listening to all opinions through stakeholder consultation and participation in all our activities. In this way, our teams develop by ensuring their capacity and continuous training.
We comply with the highest standards of excellence to prioritize and protect the health of people, the integrity of our own facilities and equipment, our customers and suppliers, control risks and prevent or mitigate adverse environmental impacts.
Together, we build a culture of excellence with all stakeholders.
Management and Sustainability System
Our Operational Excellence Management System is integrated by the areas of Quality, Safety, People Health and Environment. It ensures risk management with the objective of maximizing opportunities and preventing undesired results.
We are committed to developing agile and efficient activities that add value while ensuring the profitability and sustainability of our businesses.
We stand behind our commitment to continuous improvement, the incorporation of technology and constant innovation.
This policy reflects the Grupo Mirgor’s commitment to quality, excellence and safety in all the processes we develop both internally and externally.